By Anonymous - 06/01/2010 21:15 - United Kingdom

Today, it was snowing. I slipped on the ice and fell in the middle of the road, dislocating my left shoulder and knee. As I was screaming in pain and trying to stand up, two boys on the pavement threw snowballs at me while everyone in the cars just drove around me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 204
You deserved it 2 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i believe it, ppl are so inconsiderate, just like the ones who are calling fake right now you are probably the same ones who would not help a person in need and u know it if u see someone who needs help, be a HUMAN and HELP THEM. fuken retards.

iambatman123 0

As soon as your shoulder gets better kick the shit out of them :)


GiRIsMakingCupca 0

wow that super sux ugh I hate people !!

this, of course! not even if you have to cross the street! it is so obviously your fault musicman, you are a ******* idiot.

rcloca 10

Says the boy in 3D glasses with neon tape.

cel123456789 0

cuz he was in the middle of the road and cars were driving around him... don't belive it

waterynuggets 0

Yeah #19 you never know. A few years ago I read a story in the paper about a woman who had fallen out and not one of the people sitting near her or walking by bothered to help her for hours. A nurse later walked by and got help but by then the woman was dead. It was caught on film by a security camera. Sad shit.

LMFAO_fail 0

It's a psychological concept known as the Bystander Effect. It has been shown time and time again that the more people are present when someone is in danger, the LESS likely people are to help. This happens over and over again, and during more serious instances. 10 people heard a beating and sexual assault and no one called for help -> There's also the famous instance mentioned in 'Boondock Saints' of Kitty Genovese, who was stabbed to death and raped while bleeding to death. Approximately a dozen people saw or heard portions of the attack. However, the police were not actually called until after the attack, and she died en route to the hospital. Here's one more...

LMFAO_fail 0

So uhm yeah maybe you should know your shit before you call fake. If people don't call 911 when they see people being beaten or raped or stabbed, do you really think people would help someone who fell in the street?

The Genovese story is just terrible. And the ****** is still alive. Anyway, Op. That sucks. People should at least call for help. Its so stupid.

Kylias 6

#23 I think I remember that. And wasn't it in the waiting room at a hospital or something like that?

waterynuggets 0

#65 Yep and not only just a hospital but a mental hospital. Terrible.

Kitty happened in a public area where people were shouting for him to leave her alone etc yet nobody did anything because everyone believed that someone else would ring the police and one man tried to go and help her but his wife stopped him for fear of his safety. Anyway I believe OP and so would anyone who had been to London. People in London would definitely drive around someone lying in the street. So I doubt it's fake. Go to London then decide to call fake.

Maybe they just thought you were a crazy drunken hobo?

I thought wales swim under the ice, and didn't wiggle around on top of it. How much does one have to weigh to dislocate a knee and shoulder on impact? Go eat another ten Cadbury bars to make yourself feel better. It's worked your whole life hasn't it?

because skinny people have never injured themselves? good call doucheghost

I fell one day on my way home and dislocated my elbow and cracked my humorous in half just by falling on it.

10 pounds of pressure is all it takes to dislocate any joint, it only takes around 60 pounds to break a bone. Obviously both these numbers can be lower depending upon the fall and how you land. The lesson in this? Spaceghost is a ******* idiot.

Hey, I'm pretty slim, but strong, and don't have weak joints or bones. But I went snowboarding a couple years ago, and fell and twisted my ankle getting off the lift. Actually ended up breaking my ankle, getting a bone contusion, and tearing cartilage. Needed surgery to repair it, and it took a year and a half for it to heal and not discomfort me or hurt. It's all just how I fell. This situation for the OP is very possible.

monnanon 13

first of all its whales not Wales, Wales is a country. Second of all anyone can dislocate any joint especially falling on ice. it is not dependant on weight but the force of human body hitting tarmac incased in ice. Do you live in London?, do you know what the weather is like in the UK atm? even if you do you still have no right to make a comment like you did.

sk8rchick97 0

That's so rude!! I'm going to laugh when ur super over weight live with ur mom even tho ur like 30 and ur only friends are ur dozens of cats!

hey,spaceghost, doesn't matter the weight. just have to land on them to dislocate fact, if you break your fall with your hand, it'll travel up the arm and dislocate shoulder and possibly tear rotator cuff. knees will tear the meniscus, cartilage in the knee. from an emt who's been there.

cel123456789 0

it was problebly snowing right?! while driving around someone, dude u could of died if it really happend

bannanaslug 0

im sorry but that is such a lie, nice try. kids didnt throw snowballs at you and people didnt just drive around you

newsgit 0

oh, thank you God. I didn't realize you used FML.

Kylias 6

Because kids don't find pain amusing and people definitely never ignore someone hurting. Go outside and sit in the middle of the road for an hour and count how many people stop.

i believe it, ppl are so inconsiderate, just like the ones who are calling fake right now you are probably the same ones who would not help a person in need and u know it if u see someone who needs help, be a HUMAN and HELP THEM. fuken retards.

OMG you are totz right!!! Ppl r so inconsiderate!!!! You r a saint!!! OMG OMG OMG everyone else must be fuken retards!!!!! OMG why cant everyone be a fag like you OMG OMG OMG!!!!!

Kylias 6

@39 ... I sincerely hope you're being ironic on purpose.