By funnygirl018 - 28/05/2013 22:14 - United States

Today, it was my very last day teaching my dance class. After the class ended, the owner of the studio started clapping and told all my students to give me a hug. No one hugged me. No one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 724
You deserved it 5 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Volcan_fml 22

Perhaps everyone was just too sweaty.

Everyone deserves a hug on the last day


Should've given them the finger as you walked out

Your next class hopefully will be a "huggy" bunch...

I've had something like this happen - a few weeks ago, I had to give a presentation, and at the end, not one person applauded.

I can only assume that the students were young and weren't comfortable with that, or that they just really didn't like you. If that's the case, try working on your teaching skills in a way that helps your students learn while at the same time makes them like you.

Awkward. But look on the bright side OP-it was your last day so you never have to see them again!

laurapiggy 3

Perhaps they'll show their feelings through interpretive dancing.

ileenefudge 29

It's a huge honor when pikachu wants to hug you :)

The_9th_Doctor 18
doglover100 28

It's already awkward hugging a teacher then add in then being sweaty.