By funnygirl018 - 28/05/2013 22:14 - United States

Today, it was my very last day teaching my dance class. After the class ended, the owner of the studio started clapping and told all my students to give me a hug. No one hugged me. No one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 724
You deserved it 5 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Volcan_fml 22

Perhaps everyone was just too sweaty.

Everyone deserves a hug on the last day


In all fairness it would have been even more awkward. Like Voldemort hugging Malfoy awkward.

That's too bad that they didn't hug you OP. *hug* I always remember hugging my dance teachers when they were done teaching a class. And for those who think it is awkward to hug a teacher I have had some teachers that were like best friends to me. Also, one of those teachers were my mom and I hugged her almost everyday. Is it weird that I am hugging my teachers? Maybe in your opinion but not in my.

perdix 29

Holy shit!!! What did you do to them? Dancers give away hugs like people hand out candy on Halloween. It's partly to show affection and partly to rehearse flowing arm movements.

Yeah... flowing arm movements... I think your eyes are turning brown.

Maybe it's time to work on those people skills, OP. ESP if it was a class of younger girls.

They sound like elitist, tight wad, one percenters who need a good spanking. Send them here and I'd be happy to obliege. Wink.

Bless your heart.. Would an Internet hug cheer you up? :(

What's the big deal? I would hate to have to hug someone dripping in sweat as well.

*virtual hug* "We will miss you!" (Better?)

ohioain 18