By omgwtf - 18/10/2009 15:32 - United States

Today, it was Homecoming. During the dance, I saw this mentally handicapped guy ask this pretty girl to dance. She said no. So I went over to him and asked him to dance. He replied that he only wanted to dance with "pretty girls" and I was not one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 776
You deserved it 5 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turnip_Girl 0

Even the mentally retarded have standards. Sucks to be you. :(

im sure your beautiful don't let one persons opinion decide your confidence


sharkwkrox 0

that was really nice of you.

Well good on you for being kind enough to ask him! He obviously needs to realise that it's personality before looks.

Ray9889 8

Mentally challenged individuals speak what's on their mind. It's not a FML, not everyone you meet will be attracted to you. The only difference is that he spoke his mind. Sure it was a little disrespectful, but it's a mentally challenged kid? Just be happy that you did the right thing.

GrammarNaziFTW 0

More than likely, if he was mentally disabled, he probably wouldn't be at the homecoming dance making his own decisions. Mentally disabled means unable to think. Hence the disabled in that. So if he's making his own decisions and being amongst others, he probably has some sort of mental retardation.

azrial897 0

My older brother had downs and people look down on him all the time and feel sorry for him. He's a person too he has standards just like every one else. Most people with downs or any disability don't want to be looked down upon he probably just though you were trying to pity him

I'd be like damn. I knew you were retarded but not retarded and blind.

Aww ur so nice to offer to dance with him :)

Nice for trying :) I also have a mentally handicapped kid at my school. He has autism and a few kids picked on him in the past month just because of that. I wasn't there when it happened or I would have done something like pick on the bullies and see how they like it or something just so they knew how it felt. If what happened to the kid in your story happened to the kid in my school I'd do the same thing :) It's nice to know there's good people in the world.

And if you're wondering, the kids did get busted, someone told a teacher which I would have done after I gave them a small taste of their own medicine.

Don't feel bad OP. You've done your part; now wait for karma to reward you! :)