By bannana0zoom - 03/03/2012 08:06 - Canada

Today, it's my birthday. My mom got me a gym membership and a bunch of clothes that are a few sizes too small. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 012
You deserved it 7 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

K_kanaka 26

You can't understand it now, but in a few weeks or months, if you really hit the gym, you will love her for that present. Happy birthday!


I wish someone would give me a gym membership I want one but cant afford it

bubo_fml 10

"What?! No Birthday Cake?! You Bitch!!"

alicealice_fml 3

She wants you to lose some weight to fit into the clothes. Lose weight with your gym membership :-)

cruzzer20 1

Hold on isn't that a good thing?

This could be a sign, I'm just not sure what..

She cares about you, be grateful!!!