By bannana0zoom - 03/03/2012 08:06 - Canada

Today, it's my birthday. My mom got me a gym membership and a bunch of clothes that are a few sizes too small. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 012
You deserved it 7 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

K_kanaka 26

You can't understand it now, but in a few weeks or months, if you really hit the gym, you will love her for that present. Happy birthday!


Don't feel bad it's your mom she'll leave you alone soon enought :)

It's a goal. Try and reach it! Good luck.

jl347jl 2

I would honestly love it if my mom got me a gym membership. She gets jealous when I work out & eat healthy because she thinks I'm trying to make her look bad.

demonddm 24

sell the clothing and bye a cake.

your mum is trying to tell you something...