By Anonymous - 11/05/2012 00:28 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. I was heading back to my apartment and I heard noises behind the front door. Assuming it was the surprise party I'd hinted at, I flicked on the lights… as two heavy guys pushed past me. I was robbed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 549
You deserved it 2 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kevinn95 0

Ohhh no they stole ur surprise party?

That's awful! I'm so sorry op! Happy birthday (:


I went through the exact same thing! I hope you have renter's insurance! They'll take care of replacing everything you lost.

It was my birthday too. Happy bday. Too bad yours was shitty

kandi_kid69 15

Well OP, looks like you've gotten a surprise.. Too bad it wasn't one you wanted. Anyway, happy birthday and hopefully your days have gotten better after that incident. :)

I hope that you called 9/11 to report your burglary. What a way to spend your birthday.

9/11? That's an event, certainly not a phone number.

Did you manage to get a look at their faces? And happy birthday

Happy Birthday OP! (could have been better. Sorry!)

1crabbygirl 10

I am glad they didn't also hurt you physically. Sorry, I'm a mom.

Shit OP that sucks balls... I'm really sorry to hear! Did you get a good look at them perhaps if you report them you can get your things back?! Happy birthday anyway and I hope things start to get better for you