By picaru - 21/06/2009 18:00 - United States

Today, is the first day of my honeymoon. It has been 6 years since I took a "real" vacation. We have 3 kids and a small house, and now we have 9 days alone in random hotels to do what couples do on their honeymoon without kids... Day one, I got my period 7 days early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 466
You deserved it 5 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how does she deserve this? xD Like really. YDI for being a woman, YDI for leaving your kids.. I wonder what stupid excuses will come up for YDI xD

That sucks. Mother nature is awful. Hope things'll look up soon.


Oh man, the exact same thing happened to me on the only weekend my roommate was out of town through the whole school year. :( I'm so, so sorry--hope you can schedule some more time for yourselves soon! To some of the commenters: have some compassion. It's not just about the mess, for many women. Everything from mild discomfort to complete lack of sexual desire/ability to be aroused can result from a woman's menstruation.

birds_fml 7

You're not the one who has to wash the sheets, so go at it! Also, buy a bunch of douches, then you can rinse yourself out pre-sex, and it won't be as messy.

klnjssc 0

^ exactly! I get 2 periods on my pill all the time. It's just not possible to be 100% certain you're not going to bleed

YDI if you think this is a problem, really. During period sex is way better. For both parties.

There are apparently a lot of overly-sensitive unwed mothers reading the FMLs. Hahaha :D

Mother nature's a bitch, ain't she?

OK, the people saying she could have planned against this by taking the pill clearly either a) Are not on the pill or B) are not aware that not all women can successfully skip a period on the pill (be in triphasic or monphasic), and many experience break-through bleeding as heavy as a regular period (often experiencing two "periods" in a single month). So, really, **** her life. She didn't deserve it.

nikki1001 0

As my boyfriend always says: "If you can walk through mud, you can **** through blood." I never understood the mud and blood connection (aside from the rhyme) but ANYWAY. Moral of the story: Who cares, have sex anyway!!!!

i think using the same towel twice would be bad

nikki1001 0

My bf thinks so too. I guess because it's kind of...built in lubricant, haha