By missingcharlie - 17/08/2009 02:45 - United States

Today, in the middle of having sex with my boyfriend, instead of saying something sexy, he decided to tell me that the bowling alley had a new air hockey table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 135
You deserved it 5 693

Same thing different taste


abouttofly 12

If you can't have a normal conversation during sex, I don't think there's much hope for your relationship.

I love bowling! And air hockey! And sex! And ridiculous conversations during sex! Your life is awesome!!!

lmao. I think maybe he was trying not to cum and thinking about the most unerotic things he could, then clumsily mentioned it out loud.

Scorponok 0

This isn't an FML, you're a fool.

o ....a boring boy,you can be more vagabond,then he'll have no time to think those

maybe he was suggesting that you sex it up on the air hockey table.

onionboy 0

Wait.....the bowling alley has a new air hockey table!?