By Anonymous - 14/10/2009 08:21 - Australia

Today, I won an award at school for my hard work. Afterwards, my parents told me off. Why? They wanted my brother to get it instead of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 731
You deserved it 1 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BelaLugosisdead 0

That's ****** up. Not gonna lie.


How about you just start failing school and say I wanted my brother to get the good grades.


I think this is the point where you ought to stop caring about your parents' opinion. They've picked their favorite for whatever reason, and trying to "win them over" to your side is bound to end in disappointment. By all means continue to work hard, just make sure you're doing it for yourself and not to try to impress your parents.

WTF they deserved it for being dutch i fail to see the point and OP forget what your parent think and if your parents wanted your bro to win because he's an underachiever then i guess i can see why if not who gives a damn about them anyways and FYL.

I agree, WTF do you mean by Dutch? Is that some kind of American slang for something?

It isn't. He's just trying to be a troll.

ProtoBuster_1 5

BboyHero, I am so ******* sick of trollers like you... you get online and say /the/ most stupidest thing possible. "YDI for being so and so"... so ******* what?! Get a damn life and stop being so damn racist! As for the OP, that also happened to me while I was in school, only with a cousin of mine. All I can tell you is keep your head up, keep up the good work and don't give a damn about what your parents say concerning your academic performance.

artifactoid 0

:) Lol relax protobuster_1! You do realize that this reaction is precisely what trolls want, right? Them being seemingly racist is just a means to an end. That troll probably doesn't give a flying **** about dutch people, but is trying to get some easily-goaded mark (that's you!) to blow up. Don't bother criticizing him, trolls are trolls because they have no shame. There's no point in arguing with them. Remember, everyone's wrong on the internet!

CyclonePsycho 1

But I thought troll comments were supposed to be deliberately annoying/jerky. If that was a troll comment then it was shit because I don't even understand it! Geez don't they know they should be clear in when insulting people :P

perdix 29

Your parents know that you are a lazy, slack-ass bullshitter that can pull the wool over everyone's eyes, while your brother puts in sincere effort with humility and without fanfare and bravado. YDI for trying to make us feel sorry for you. You may be able to charm the pants off your teachers, but you can't fool us.

Shuinoshina 0

I fail to see how the OP is any of those things. There are parents out there, who even if you got straight A's your entire life, will never give you any praise and will only look for the things you've messed up on to comment about. I'm sorry your childhood was terrible though :3

perdix 29

Just because you fail to see things doesn't mean that I can't guess them! Actually, my childhood was great. If anything, I got too much praise from my parents. It's adulthood that sucks for me! ;)

syvlerosseau 0

How in any way does this post point out that OP is any of those things? I read about a person who's parents favored their brother enough to yell at them for getting an award, which is truly sad. Maybe if you stopped being a spoiled brat, you'd see like the rest o us.

Fyl and ydi Grow some balls and slap your parents around the place >.>

ThatOneTimeLord 25

I think you don't understand the meaning of respect.

Gelatin 0

#17, I forgot we all know them personally.

And you told your parents off for being creepy assholes, right?

Wait a few years, move out, and don't care about keeping impossible people happy.

People like your parents should not be allowed to reproduce. Sorry, but that's ****** up.

wow some of these fmls have such a bad case of child favouritism from parents. how does it work out like that? what are parents thinking???

xxCFHxx 0

Parents are some of the most devious, most cunning individuals this world has ever seen. For example, when I was three up until I was eight, my parents somehow convinced me that the Ice Cream Truck that sometimes drove by was the 'Music Truck' instead. Shut up, I know. And it's really just human nature. There will always be a favorite anything, including child, and just because they're parents, doesn't exclude them from that.

Wow...your parents suck. You should go be rebel :D