By Eringobrag88 - 27/06/2011 16:08 - United States

Today, I woke up to my two year old crawling in bed with me and saying, "I poop". Normally this would be ok, but this morning she decided she didn't need a diaper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 271
You deserved it 4 011

Same thing different taste

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and there's 5.) The assholes who see the overused pun, and wants to be a *****, so they point it out.


Delicious. Mind bringing me a cup next time you do?

captinawesome 0

you will save a lot on diapers

Lexiloulynn 2

That's your fault, not to judge your "parenting" or anything, but your two year old should have been out of diapers a while ago, shouldn't be roaming around by itself if it's not potty trained, and defininetly should have better motor skills. That's a few things you should probably work on!:)

STFU. Most kids aren't full potty trained until about 3. It's the morning and the kid went to her parents room. Thats not really roaming...

Better motor skills? Where do her motor skills come into play?

joa76 3

What? Most kids are potty trained between two and three, and you have no idea how long this kid has been two. It might be the day after their birthday. And "shouldn't be roaming around by itself if it's not potty trained"? Kids can walk when they're one. When kids can walk, they walk around the house. What do you want to do, keep them in their crib/playpen/high chair/your arms until they're potty trained? And considering the kid most likely took off their own diaper, I'd say their motor skills are just fine. If you're saying that because of the word "crawling," it says the kid crawled into bed. The bed is probably almost as tall as the kid, it's not like it can just sit on it like an adult.

you obviously don't have kids. shut up you're making yourself sound stupid.

sweetbabysweet93 10
sweetbabysweet93 10

here's something you should work on, quit being an ignorant bitch. and the other comment was well spoken. not yours

krista2009 0

so true I hate people who judge other people especially about their kids

Same here. No sugar though; I'm on a diet.

AnthonyWalsh94 0

Sounds like a shirt. Situation. Haha

EnterChoose 1

Was she supposed to put the diaper on herself ?

joa76 3

Most likely she had one on and took it off herself. Eventually kids can do that and often will anytime they're not wearing something over top.

deefan101 11

they should be potty trained by that age!

this comment made me lol, obviously you have never potty trained a child...I hope your future 3 year old son pees on you while you are changing his diaper.

Your kid is going to grow up to be a genius. I'm sure of it.

My kid was potty trained at 2. that didn't mean she didn't feel like taking her diaper off and throwing shit every where sometimes. A lot of idiots replied on this one