By Eringobrag88 - 27/06/2011 16:08 - United States

Today, I woke up to my two year old crawling in bed with me and saying, "I poop". Normally this would be ok, but this morning she decided she didn't need a diaper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 271
You deserved it 4 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

and there's 5.) The assholes who see the overused pun, and wants to be a *****, so they point it out.


why is your 6 year old still in diapers?!

The kid is two. It says "my two year old". Where did you get six from?

FatMan23 10

Why is a 2 year old still in diapers. I was trained when I was 1 like everyone else in my family.

demczyss 8

I highly doubt that you were potty trained by one. Someone is lying to you.

just wait till she starts drawing on the walls with her poop. my twins used to throw their poop at each other too. fun times!

LOL - as the father of a 2 1/2 y.o. I'm trying to imagine how calm I'd be able to stay in that situation! And I'm glad we haven't taken the sides off the cotbed yet.

that's what I call... *puts on glasses over glasses a shitty morning YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!

tayfehrenbachxo 0
cliftongirl1022 5

That sounds like... *Puts on glasses*...A shitty day. YEAAAAHHH!!!

How exactly does a two year old "decide not to wear a diaper"? One would think thats up to you or your partner, eh? Ydi

Kids can take them off you know? My daughter untapes hers.

You may have just had a potty training breakthrough. Embrace her excitement and show her the potty.