By Eringobrag88 - 27/06/2011 16:08 - United States

Today, I woke up to my two year old crawling in bed with me and saying, "I poop". Normally this would be ok, but this morning she decided she didn't need a diaper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 271
You deserved it 4 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

and there's 5.) The assholes who see the overused pun, and wants to be a *****, so they point it out.


Oh, we're used to it, I thought it was funny after the fact, shitty to wake up to though, :)

Time for potty training. I was potty trained at age 2(:

ladybugobgyn 0

Would you like a cookie for that? Jesus, of all the things to brag about, you pick something you don't remember?

Liveurlife123 0

haha oh that sucks. lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololilolilololololololololololololololololol yummy...... jk

Liveurlife123 0

ya I reply to my own comments. ;)

krista2009 0

I wish I was cool enough to do that

mag4dust 0

ain't kids so fun :) lmao have fun cleaning up the mess. fyl

shyxx 0

What 2 year old do you know that doesn't still need a diaper at night? especially if they just turned 2.

jane79 0

she is probally in the process of potty training, and it does not happen over night. It takes time and they usually wear a diapers at night for awhile.

blinkingstarlet 15

two year olds should be potty trained.

cheer_coach 0

most kids aren't potty trained til about 3.

sweetbabysweet93 10

and you should be less ugly

Even if you do manage to potty train at 2 I guarantee there will be accidents.

YDI for not having that kid potty trained.

shyxx 0

You obviously haven't potty trained many kids.

lemonsquid 6

yum. now tell her to eat her poop.