By beya - 31/08/2009 22:05 - Canada

Today, I woke up to my five year old son picking off the scabs from his chicken pox and dropping them into my open mouth as I slept. FML
I agree, your life sucks 93 975
You deserved it 5 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ewwwww! What a little bugger! Yea... here's one reason why I'm NOT having kids :P


HAARP_fml 0
ortiz_34 0

YDI for not vaccinating your child against chicken pox.

#44, just because you get vaccinated doesn´t mean you won´t get the disease.

poeticpunk77 0

Chicken pox is such a pointless disease to get vaccinated for unless you're an adult who has never had it. Seriously, its not gonna kill your kid and its one of those parts of growing up everyone goes through. So, no, they don't deserve it.

tonyDlolli 0

i dont get sick cuz my immune system KICKS ASS!!!

Not everyone vaccinates, for many valid reasons. But, for what it's worth, you CAN die from chicken pox - scarring in the lungs can cause respiratory failure. Not to mention scarring on the retinas can leave you blind.

They are valid to the parents who choose not to. I choose to vaccinate but only once I've researched thoroughly, and I wouldn't let me son have the combined MMR shot, he had them separately (less chemicals paradoxically!). CP wasn't a scheduled vaccine when he was tiny, so I paid for it, having had a nasty dose as an adult and ending up in ICU. Still, I respect the right of other parents not to inject their children with mercury and other chemicals.


I hoped you whopped his ass. Thats what's wrong with kids this day & age. No discipline. ;x

skatergirl21 2

hahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahhahhahahahhahahahahaha you should of kicked his ass

YDI for not keeping your medicine in the top shelf

srhmldndo 0

That is REALLY disgusting. Why would he do something like that? That's not a horrified rhetorical question. I actually want to know. What would make him think to do that? I'm interested.