By Anonymous - 27/12/2009 03:09 - Canada

Today, I woke up to an unfamiliar male face right beside mine. I flipped out fell of my 4 foot raised bed and got a concussion. Who, you may ask, was in my bed? My Robert Pattinson pillowcase. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 518
You deserved it 71 416

Same thing different taste

By Anonymous - 03/01/2010 16:35 - United States

Today, I was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling with the lights off. It was 1AM, and I'd just finished watching a scary movie, so I was a little paranoid. I was about to fall asleep, when an eerie light lit the room. I jumped, got tangled in the sheets, and hit my head against the bed frame. Where'd the light come from? Not a space ship. Not someone breaking in. It was my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 559
You deserved it 29 176

Top comments

IMB916 0

YDI for having such bad taste in men.


emilybock 0

YDI for having a Robert Pattinson pillowcase.

jaysaysss 0

HARRY POTTER IS WAY ******* BETTER BITCHES (: twilight and iandrea can suck itt hardcore

Breeneefml12 0

ydi for liking ugly,hairy,pale,STD filled men

He is rather hairy, isn't he? He's like one of the men you'd expect to see back in prehistoric times.

Ok, YDI. Not for liking Twilight (as terrible as it really is), but because you put a person's face on your pillows. I'm sorry, but could you not see this coming a mile away? Doesn't matter how hot you find someone (but seriously, RPats? EW!), at 3am when you're half asleep, if there's a face by you, you WILL FREAK OUT!

Well, scratch that, YDI is a bit harsh since it probably hurt like a mofo, but seriously? It is a pretty dumb thing to do.

have you guys noticed that every comment about twilight being aweeeeesummmmm!@$@!$!@$%% has been moderated? haha. well anyway, i think sleeping with a pillow that any face on it is creepy. like really? get a boyfriend. and i agree that robert pattinson is ugly, but that's beside the point. just don't sleep with pillows that have faces or you will be terrified when you are half asleep. i hope you feel better though. :)

get a life. get a boyfriend. robert pattinson's fricking ugly. ppl just started liking him cuz he was edward cullen. if they used your dad as the actor, ppl would start ******* over him too.

right on 94, but it's still funny as hell

did it ever occur to anybody that this person is a teenage girl who wouldn't be having anybody "spend the night" anyways?