By bad_day_in_hell - 17/11/2009 04:05 - United States

Today, I woke up to a phone call from my boss' wife. She demanded to know how long we'd been sleeping together. When I denied her allegations, she screamed that she knew all about my "history of sleeping with married men". I'm a virgin and I have to work with him tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 138
You deserved it 2 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, what an insecure bitch. Also I love how she confronts you first instead of her husband.

Just tell her you're a cross dressing man.


probobly because when moderating everyone says no to the ***** who deserved it :/

SweetPotatoVines 0

YDI for sleeping with your Boss, ya ****.

are you mentally challenge AND blind??! it saying in the damn post that she's a virgin, so OBVIOUSLY she never slept with her boss. ******* hate stupid people..

I don't get why people who are cheated on blame the person their husband, wife or partner cheated on with. after all it's just as much your partners fault

No it's not as much. It's their ENTIRE fault. They're supposedly adults, they are the ones with a relationship to care and nurture, they are the ones that committed to someone else. It doesn't make their loves innocent, but they are not the ones that should look after someone else relationship.

nyuukou 0

Depends on the situation, if you ask me. If the person the cheater is with never knows the cheater is married, then it's all the cheater's fault. They're deliberately lying about their relationship status to get it on with someone who may not have been with them otherwise. I know I wouldn't sleep with someone I know is married. However, if both parties know the cheater is married and things continue, then the blame is pretty equal, because at that point, the other party KNOWS the person they're with is married and a cheater and they are choosing to help someone break their marital vows and commitments.

I think the blame lies mostly on the married person. The "mistress" did not make any commitment to that married pair, made no promises or vows, it is not their responsiblity. Having said that, I highly disapprove of meddling in someone else's marriage behind their back, and I think people who conciously go out and target married men without any thought of the damage they could do are not what I would call a good person, but it is still primarily the married person's decision and responsibility to say, "No, I'm married." Have some willpower, married person! And if you can't be faithful, don't make the vow!

BikerMike 0

File a complaint with the police and tell your boss if his wife calls you again, you are going to press charges againt the ****.

Look up borderline personality disorder, find some support groups for men who are married to borderline women, and send the links to your boss. You could get a bonus.

troodon 0

I'd say just relax :) If your boss doesn't know about the call, you can pretend nothing happened; if he does, then you can both pretend nothing happened ;-) You're probably not going to get fired over this, so I guess you can leave it to them to sort it out.

janise 2

Actually, if she does get fired she can sue for wrongful termination so that's not really a problem. If anything, her boss should be worried that she'll file a complaint against his wife for harassment.

choochootrain 0

Check the rumour mill. Could be someone at your work place is spewing nonsense and dragging you into things.

perdix 29

Start writing that history tomorrow! In the boss's wife's mind, you are guilty. You're doing the time, so you might as well do the crime. Her addled brain is not a court of law. You can't prove your innocence ten ways to Sunday and have her believe that your are not sleeping with her husband. So, pop your cherry all over your boss and fulfill that bitch's self-fulfilling prophecy. Everyone will be happy!