By bad_day_in_hell - 17/11/2009 04:05 - United States

Today, I woke up to a phone call from my boss' wife. She demanded to know how long we'd been sleeping together. When I denied her allegations, she screamed that she knew all about my "history of sleeping with married men". I'm a virgin and I have to work with him tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 136
You deserved it 2 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, what an insecure bitch. Also I love how she confronts you first instead of her husband.

Just tell her you're a cross dressing man.


Raiderwrstler65 0

FYL .. . but that's pretty hilarious =) lol

Perhaps someone at your work is jealous of you and told her all that stuff. Start watching your co-workers closely and pay the guilty one back. Something so vindictive...I hate to say it, but it sounds like something a female would do. Watch the other girls especially. It's not your fault if you're hot AND a virgin and the other girls can't handle it. FY day but F their Lives.

crizpy7 0

I agree with capitalizing on it and blackmailing him to leverage yourself with human resources as a hostile work environment and defamation of character...make Christmas come early this year ;)

i_is_a_tr00l 0

Number 52 is an idiot and needs to grow a pair of boobies.

If I were in your shoes, I'd be paying a visit to Human Resources. What your boss's wife has done has the potential to create a hostile work environment for you, and the sooner you get it on the record the safer you are. I'm not all about lawsuits or blackmail, but IF something should happen to you because of this, you need to have the facts in your corner when it goes to court. disclaimer: IANAL, and don't pretend to be. If you have legal questions, please consult a licensed employment attorney in your state.

You don't really know who is to blame when you don't know why the wife started thinking that. It could be a case of mistaken identity. It could be that she's an insecure, jealous crazy woman who makes wild assumptions. It could be that your boss has a crush on you. It could be that your boss is a liar. It could be that one of your colleagues is spreading malicious and untrue rumours. It could be that you have a double out there pretending to be you. I wouldn't automatically blame your boss, but definately bring it up with him, or with someone, and get the whole thing cleared up, cos you don't deserve that kind of abuse if it's not true.