By mike oxsmall - 16/06/2011 05:42 - United States

Today, I woke up to a burglar holding a gun. He yelled at me to get up so I did. He then paused and laughed. I was sleeping naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 044
You deserved it 6 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThatFatGuyBehind 3

How small was it for him to be laughing during a burgalery.

hellogoodbye1996 6

did he tell you to put clothes on?


I'm guessing your manly gun didn't suffice in this situation?

Not only did he rob your house, he also robbed you of your dignity!

wow that sucks. so he didn't steal anything because he felt sorry for you. jk. FYL. but how did you post this?

Aw, sleeping nakeds the best! Poor guy....he was prob laughing at your morning woody n_n

it would be called a ROBBER if u were home.. a burglar if I'd not. learn ur facts before u post lies

ImaWiseGuy 5

well at least the robber had a sense of humor, that has to be better then being robbed by a monotone d bag....

Trybow 0