By mike oxsmall - 16/06/2011 05:42 - United States

Today, I woke up to a burglar holding a gun. He yelled at me to get up so I did. He then paused and laughed. I was sleeping naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 044
You deserved it 6 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThatFatGuyBehind 3

How small was it for him to be laughing during a burgalery.

hellogoodbye1996 6

did he tell you to put clothes on?


Glenninator 4

so u got robbed then found the time to go on a computer and write about it??? idiot

poopdayz 6

Mr Droopy? That's a new one to add to my books.

Mr_Darkside 5

now you have a story to tell the kids

89 yeah it made me laugh too... oh wait the comment? Yeah 69 comment is funny too.

Should've slapped him...with know.....

A7X_LoVeee 10

Oh I see we're you're going...

A7X_LoVeee 10