By Anonymous - 11/06/2014 22:20 - United States - Barnhart

Today, I woke up screaming like a little bitch. I'd been having a bizarre dream where I was having sex with Homer Simpson, when he suddenly had a heart attack and fell on me, crushing me to death. I think my brain needs a douching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 623
You deserved it 8 171

Same thing different taste


Mattster5401 1

It means "original poster" as in the one who created the FML. Although sometimes with what they write "outstanding pothead" could very well fit.

Dont listen to Brandi, original poster is definitely not what OP means. It is in fact outstanding pothead.

Martinez0285 28

Still a better love story then twilight ... Whamp whamp

therealjc_fml 14

If that happens to me now after reading this imma be pissed!

For those of you who don't know: Douching means to basically clean out completely.

WinterBlue42 22

I believe the OP might need more than just a douching to get that image out of her head.

I have to say this...... You are average.

PotatoPal 11

The wording of this FML is fantastic.

Sounds like you watch way too much TV.