By JadedBaker - 08/07/2012 06:58 - United States

Today, I woke up early and spent hours baking and icing a three-tier cake for my friend's eighteenth birthday, which is this evening. I just found out my mother threw it in the compost bin because she's on a diet and it was "tempting" her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 080
You deserved it 1 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SexySlayer1248 18

Wow, that's hella selfish, I would make her buy one to make up for it.

The amount of rage that would well up within me could never be measured by any means of the measurement system, should I have been in that situation... Your mother had a lousy excuse and I really hope she does something to make up for her selfish behavior.


Hours you put into making it X 15 = minimum price of replacement cake, which can only be finalized after your approval. And put her on blast at the party. Watch her get drunk, proclaiming she always gets attacked. Sounds like fun XD

Aww, I hope you questioned your mother about that. Hard work thrown away. Pointless. Pointless waste.

Your moms a bitch. And really ******* selfish. If you saw a 3 tier cake on the counter or something u would think it obviously took time and it was for a special occasion.

Awwww you're such a good friend. You don't deserve a mother like that FYL

Urpoppy 21

Your mother is a selfish stupid ass.

Well at least she composted it instead of putting it in the trash.

The worst part? Cake is not compostable.

Corrupt_waffles 13

First off, as a person who loves to bake and knows how freaking difficult it is to put together a three tier cake....let alone ICE it...I would have gone off the deep end. And the whole dieting thing just pisses me off to no end cause that crap doesn't work. And it angers me when I read that the people that do diet makes everyone around them miserable just because they don't know what the hell self control and exercise is. I really sorry for what happened and I hope you had enough time to make another cake, or at least get your selfish mother to go buy one. (hopefully not the safeway kind because those...are insults.)