By JadedBaker - 08/07/2012 06:58 - United States

Today, I woke up early and spent hours baking and icing a three-tier cake for my friend's eighteenth birthday, which is this evening. I just found out my mother threw it in the compost bin because she's on a diet and it was "tempting" her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 080
You deserved it 1 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SexySlayer1248 18

Wow, that's hella selfish, I would make her buy one to make up for it.

The amount of rage that would well up within me could never be measured by any means of the measurement system, should I have been in that situation... Your mother had a lousy excuse and I really hope she does something to make up for her selfish behavior.


Did you take a picture of it? Because showing your friend that picture will tell him/her just how much they mean to you, regardless of whether it was thrown away or not, and they will sympathise with the fact that it was thrown away

FML is scary sometimes. I don't like to think that people are this insane without medical help.

Well, out of all the bitchy moms on FML, yours takes the cake. FYL of course. The icing on the (this time, metaphorical) cake is that the fact that she can't even look at cake on her diet now indicates that once it's finished she'll probably eat like crazy and regain the weight anyways- which makes this whole thing suck more. Good luck fixing the situation OP.

Vero2410 0

Wth that's messed up. How do ppl throw food away like its nothing

If all these FML stories are true, we live in a completely f@cked up world of selfish, moody and ignorant people.

So sad that the woman doesn't have enough self control to say no to a cake that wasn't baled by her nor for her. I woulda told her she could bake another one right now and no isn't an option. My friend isn't going without a birthday cake because your dumbass is so pathetic that I can't even bake a cake for my friends birthday.

linkinpark98 23

Who throws out a perfectly good cake just because they don't want to eat it, or are on diet? Your mom is a bastard.