By bTOhno - 13/08/2011 06:37 - United States

Today, I woke up at my girlfriend's house. She was staring at me, holding a knife over my face. She ran away, giggling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 053
You deserved it 4 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No, that's not creepy at all. o.o (Sarcasm)


Anikaaa 0

*mm. I think I think I'm going to kill my bf today in his sleep * ... *oh shit ! he woke up ! play cool* "babe you want some breakfast in bed?" (x

hamncheeseinit 6

She is either playing a joke on you or she is a physco .......

mylifepwnz 0

Where did u fall asleep... O.e

teemooegan 9

check to make sure your penis is still intact!

Lmao, wow. least you'll never be bored with a gf like that.

30 this may sound creapy but it's not as boring as you think