By RR - 11/07/2009 05:58 - United States

Today, I went with my sister to get our eyebrows waxed. I didn't think my eyebrows were that bad--and they weren't! When the guy waxed my eyebrows, he gestured my lips and said, "Moustache, too?" Mortified, I said, "No!" to which he replied, "Aw, someone no get kissy tonight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 491
You deserved it 9 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iowagirl1997 0

Ha ha I almost fell off my chair laughing at this!!! Sorry FYL


Why would you be mortified? I mean even if they were money grubbing, women do grow lip hair and removing it is no big deal.

thelonelylurker 0

Get your mustache removed, woman.

nolli024 0

LOL@7 and I agree, don't deny the truth! You should've just said ok. But still, that's hilarious.

I hate it when they ask. Cause it's only going to grow back darker and darker after every damned treatment. If we didn't ask, they should mind their own god damned business. (Same goes for dentists that are a firm believer in unnatural whitening) Mine is ONLY visible in that bright florescent lighting.

JennyBee 0

"I hate it when they ask. Cause it's only going to grow back darker and darker after every damned treatment." Uh, no. That's entirely untrue. Considering that waxing removes the hair from the root and sometimes even the bulb, it grows back finer and more sparse each time, thinning it out gradually. Nothing like that will darken your hair; otherwise, people wouldn't do it.

Wow, that was dumb, woman. If he told you to, he's obviously seeing there's a mustache there. That means other people will too. So it means you get mortified because they told you something you don't want to admit and prefer to keep looking like a disgusting hairy girl than actually fixing it? I've never understood those attitudes. Like people that get offended when someone implies they're overweight. What, are they in denial?

g33ktr0n 0

What an jerk. I'd kick his ****** ass.

ohheykiwi 2

Why 'mortified'? A lot of women grow upper lip hair, it's nothing to be ashamed of - unless, of course, you don't take care of it and leave it as it is. Gross!

This happened to me when I was in high school. But it was a woman, and she started STROKING my upper lip back and forth as she talked about it.

whenever i get waxed the always suggest i get something else waxed i think they are just trying to make more money