By Anonymous - 24/09/2012 00:26 - United States - Daphne

Today, I went to Waffle House to talk to the manager about getting a job. My boyfriend now wants to beat up the manager for giving me his number so that I can call him whenever I'm done filling in the application. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 772
You deserved it 3 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Any man that chooses violence as the answer needs to be replaced.

Maybe your boyfriend is more of a pancake guy.


Twisted_Angel 17

I really think your boyfriend is on to something. There's no reason you should have that managers number. I bet right now he's sitting there talking to his friends about "The hot chick that applied that he's gonna bang as soon as he can." my boyfriend would have acted the same way. it's not jealousy, it's because something isn't adding up. think about it...

PhishloverA 14

Looks like someone's either over-protective or he has anger issues

Sounds like a really jealous boyfriend who could very easily get in the way of you getting a new job.

If hes that protectiv then forget about him

Hey, I just met you And this is crazy But here's my number So give me a call when you're done filling in the application so that we can set up some time for an interview, maybe?

What??? You mean the girl applying at waffle house is dating a loser/punk? No way!

cuteygrlblackey 1

I think that it sucks that your boyfriend is that jealous, so FYL. But also it's your fault for choosing him, if it's such a big problem, break up with him, if not why are you complaining?

pabst4america 1


Gee, your from Alabama. I would have never guessed!

Possessive + violent. Not a good combination, OP.