By heartsick - 24/10/2011 01:37 - United States

Today, I went to the hospital with severe chest pain, thinking it was a heart attack. Turns out now I just can't have booze, pop, chocolate, fruit with skins, seeds, tomatoes, or mint. I'd rather have the heart attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 991
You deserved it 4 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LiyIa_fml 8

53 is an example of why I dislike my generation.


Gerd, acid reflex horrible I know how you feel some days better then others. Stress caused mine, hang in their try to stay away from those foods and eat more bland foods. Not fun I know. Sorry your going through this.

If that's you're mindset, OP, then just go ahead and eat all of what you listed. If you'd rather have the heart attack, then eating all that and having the symptoms shouldn't bother you.

Or how about **** you OP, S seriously, I hope you're joking, although it would be a bad joke. But to say "**** my life I'd rather have a heart attack than not be able to pig out on a few foods". There's still a lot you can eat, so shut the **** up and get over yourself.

Oh, for heaven's sake. Look things up on Google if you don't understand them. Pop means soft drinks, fizzy drinks, Coca-Cola and so on. Make the most of FML to actually learn something.

No chocolate? You poor bastard... :(

tomatoes are fruits with skin and seeds!

pizzaloverchick 9

that makes my allergy to red dye 40 seem pathetic(it is in almost everything red)

What are you allergic to, deliciousness?