By Screwed - 03/10/2009 04:37 - United States

Today, I went to see my guidance counselor. I was supposed to hear from my college about a scholarship by October 3rd. I was worried since it was already the 2nd so I went to talk to her. She never turned in my nomination. Goodbye $80,000 scholarship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 016
You deserved it 3 143

Same thing different taste


hassenpfeffermmm 0

Other people will fyl and it's almost unavoidable. Some people come out lucky, but our dependantcy on other people is a gamble. It's a true shame that this was someone you trust.

SuperSeriouslyFM 0

Oh c'mon! The guidance counselor should have been doing her job. It's what she is getting paid for! SHE SHOULD BE FIRED! I have to deal with people like this all the time. Checking in on them constantly doesn't change a damn thing because people don't have their shit together. It's sad that this sort of thing is very commonplace. The financial people at my college are the exact same way. Thank god the teachers aren't.

Kg317 18

this proves that guidance counselors aren't helpful what so ever. that really sucks

jessixxface 5

You don't deserve it man, she should've did her job!

SlimeGirl 6

Mine forgot to send in my transcripts to a college I wanted to get into...It's sad that they get no consuquence for not doing what they are paid for.

golfman717 0

These lazy asses in our schools are ruining the future of our children...

You should have double checked...... Especially for $80 000