By boytoy - 02/09/2009 21:23 - Canada

Today, I went to my school to take my yearbook picture. I was wearing a shirt that said ANALOG on the front. When I bent in to take the picture, part of my shirt overlapped itself. Now I'm known as the ANAL kid in the yearbook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 091
You deserved it 18 931

Same thing different taste

Taking pictures

By Anonymous - 05/12/2019 14:00

Today, I was teaching a high school calculus class. I wrote a complex formula on the board. As I wrote, students asked if they could take a picture of the board and circulate it. I said yes, and I was pleased as everybody seemed to be taking pictures. Soon, I realized why: my skirt was tucked into my underwear. Within a few minutes, every student in the school had an email with a picture of my ugliest pair of floral-printed panties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 222
You deserved it 477


Wow this is fake in so many ways. A. Most schools don't start until don't start until next week- they certainly wouldn't be taking yearbook photos during the first week. B. You can't see how the photo turned out until you receive the hard copies weeks later. C. Yearbooks don't come out until late May/June. No one else would have known unless you told them. This might have been belieivable if you were from New Zealand or Australia since they have opposite seasons down there and are in the middle of their school year. Considering you're from Canada and it's the 3rd day of September... fail.

tenkenshi 2

A. All FML's start with "Today," so this could have happened a while ago and only got through now. Take out the today and the story makes sense. B. ... fail.

bbyktty 0

A: we've been in school since august 18th. B: yearbook pics are the same as id pics for us. and sometimes the photographer'll show you the pic right after. C: people look at your id to see your pic.

lifeislife_fml 0

HAHAHA WOW "fake" fail. My school started almost 3 weeks ago and juniors took pictures the 2nd day. I got my picture on my ID card like 2 minutes after taking it. The yearbook thing is weird, but he could mean the yearbook later on, or this is an FML that didn't actually happen today.

at my high school, you take your senior yearbook photo during the summer, before the start of the year, and you get the proofs within 48 hours. different situations exist all over the world.

sublime93 0

#39 my picture day is the first day of school... So you fail.

Hlessirah 3

Hilarious! And that is exactly why you should never wear shirts with words on it for school photos. YDI for not wearing a solid-color or otherwise patterned shirt. Next year you'll learn.

@39: isn't it possible this happened a while ago and maybe he just found this website today and decided to post it? or maybe he's just getting around to it? you know FML's have to start with 'today' right? stop overANALyzing (sorry, had to) and let the rest of us enjoy our FML experience. Thank you. that is all.

To #39 (the guy that said this was fake in many ways) Our school started this week, and i know many school districts in my state that started 2 weeks ago. Our school actually take photo ID photo's that are actually our yearbook photos (unless you're a senior (senior pic then)) so you actually know what you're yearbook pic will look like the first day of school.

Ohh that sucks op, analog is a good brand by burton and I don't think people will think for gay I mean you must skateboard snowboard or wakeboard, so don't feel bad! You have good taste in clothes!

the_coon_fml 0

I snowboard tooo that's how I know?!! I loveeee it sooo much

the_coon_fml 0

i kno! i was in colorado during spring break and finally got a lesson and conquered moggles so now i do double blacks and extreame tarrain! cant wait for winter!:)

Lifes_Downs 0

thats dumb school in ontario hasnt even started, so fakeee or not recent at all, lame.

lifeislife_fml 0

HAHAHA. In my little brother's elementary school yearbook, some kid wore a shirt with "SIEMENS" written on it, but the shirt was kind of folded over on the "I" so you could barely see it. I wonder what his parents thought of the picture.

That's pretty sick congratulations on getting past moggles haha

the_coon_fml 0

haha thx. im still not the best at it tho. u?