By LimpMcgee - 07/02/2011 02:36 - United States

Today, I went to go use an automatic cart in Walmart because I broke my hip in January. They were all being used by morbidly obese people throughout the store. I asked a manager if she could get me one, but apparently their weight issues are more impeding than my broken hip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 150
You deserved it 3 650

Same thing different taste

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That's happened to me before. Right after I got out of the hospital from surgery I had to wait after some fat ass who needed a motorized cart. People like that seriously don't give a shit. They looked at me and saw that I was probably more able to walk because I didn't have 300lbs hanging over my body.

Why do fat people need motorized carts? Can't they just like, roll?


mrwelsh3 0

you should have said get up fatass you could use the walking.

morbidly obese people make me sick. I feel your pain

Not everyone who is fat or obese is that way because all they do is eat junk. A friend of mine started putting on weight for no apparent reason and she didn't eat lots of junk, she'd recently massively reduced her alcohol intake and she went on a crash diet/ eat nothing but dried fruit and slimming shakes/exercise loads and nothing seemed to be working. She then went to the doctors and discovered that she has an underactive thyroid which is responsible for the weight gain and inability to lose it.

everyone is faaat in the us sad but true .... poor u u lost a cart to another fatass who cant stop stuffing their face!!!

everyone is faaat in the us sad but true .... poor u u lost a cart to another fatass who cant stop stuffing their face!!!

I cant fit my hand in the primrose tube . fml

The majority of fat people deserve no sympathy because it's their own damn fault. When they inconvenience the rest of the population, it makes me sick.

never shop at walmart when injured because those retarded hippos are lazy and will do anything to avoid moving