By TT - 19/04/2009 20:48 - United States

Today, I went to get some teeth pulled. I had Novocaine in my gums and lip so I couldn't feel a thing. When the doctor is pulling out the last tooth, he sneezes and pulls the tooth out. He looks in my mouth and I hear, "Oh, shit..." I now have stitches in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 711
You deserved it 2 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

:s I hope the shit from his sneeze didn't go in ur cut :S:S


damn that's like my dentist. he was scrapping my teeth with that scary hooked thing and ripped a hole down my tongue...

damn that's like my dentist. he was scrapping my teeth with that scary hooked thing and ripped a hole down my tongue...

SUE THAT BASTARD! Medical malpractice is serious business; get some money out of it

This is why I refuse to go to the dentist to get my Wisdoms removed....

Does anyone here even know what "malpractice" means? You went to get your teeth pulled. And that's exactly what happened. End of discussion.

I've had several teeth pulled, and I never got stitches afterwards. Your dentists must all suck.

That quack didn't stop when he felt a sneeze coming on? O.o

fjonslife410 0

Why would someone say YDI, you didn't do anything wrong... FYL

smashford12 0

something like this happened to me :( I went to get a root canal. He started drilling and I screamed and cried. It was one of the most sharpest pains I have felt in a long time. Then he said "oops....wrong tooth." He drilled a perfectly live tooth. I understand that sometimes people make mistakes, but I wish I had sued now. He ended up changing the paperwork and said that tooth needed a root canal and it was on purpose. :(

lolwhat_fml 0

How'd you get stiches on your mouth? Like why ? ;P