By TT - 19/04/2009 20:48 - United States

Today, I went to get some teeth pulled. I had Novocaine in my gums and lip so I couldn't feel a thing. When the doctor is pulling out the last tooth, he sneezes and pulls the tooth out. He looks in my mouth and I hear, "Oh, shit..." I now have stitches in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 711
You deserved it 2 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

:s I hope the shit from his sneeze didn't go in ur cut :S:S


#10, when i got my teeth pulled, I didn't get stitches, and my cousin who had a total of 12 teeth pulled or more[im not lieing] never got stitches either. Her teeth just kept growing...But I've never gotten stitches...

Ye I don't like bad dentists.. When I was 7 I was mortified of them and the tools they put in your mouth so I was hesitant to open my mouth and started crying. Then the dentist held my nose shut and put her hand over my mouth and started saying "Fine, if you won't cooperate, then you're going to die today." Her assistant was hold my hands down. They did that for a couple of seconds (an eternity for a kid) and then I started moving frantically until she let go and I started screaming and screaming until another dentist came in and he calmed me down and held my hand and made it all kinda okay. Then when I told my family later, they took the dentist's side. :( Needless to say, after that I hated dentists and generalized them all as murderous evil people and only went to the dentist in time of emergency. But last year, I finally shook off my fear. Lol. But pointtttt is, dentists and doctors sometimes don't know how to do their jobs properly and they should be reported. REPORT REPORT!!

nickilikeewoahh 0

I read somewhere that sneezes are 1/10 of an ******. Your dentist had an ****** right into your mouth. FYL ;)

zimm9466 0

you almost always receive stitches when you get teeth pulled

love4running 0

#1 I hope you realize that you were, in fact, bragging about getting first merely by pointing it out

bpbomber 0

okay, these little suggestions for lawsuits are completely asinine. How much does the fact that you have stitches in your mouth harm you? I can tell you for a fact that it is not worth the legal fees. Also, lawsuits bring up insurance premiums for dentists, who then pass on the price hikes to consumers like yourself. Thirdly, your dentist is a human being, he or she will make mistakes. I agree that medical workers should be held to a higher standard than other professions, but if they are punished for every little thing, we wouldn't have too many of them left.

@#20, #26: There's always the random person who votes YDI on every one.

rakhil11 7

i have had 4 teeth pulled and never gotten stitches... anyhoo. that sucks!

you HAVE to do these things in order: 1. get a new and better dentist. 2. sue him to the most you can get. 3. laugh at him when he looses! i'm sorry that happened. that SUCKS. but just sue him and itll be okay haha