By theyre not THAT big. - 01/07/2013 04:35 - United States - Auburn

Today, I went to get new shoes. I'm a pretty tall girl and I have proportional feet. I asked the cute guy who worked there for a size 9.5. He burst into laughter before putting on a shocked face and saying, "Oh wait... You're serious." Goodbye, self esteem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 582
You deserved it 3 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

What a dick. Shove one of your shoes straight up his ass...

9.5 isn't even a huge size, I know of women with size 11 feet. Honestly, no one notices your feet, don't worry about it!


I have size 11 feet and I'm only 14, but I've never gotten treated like that...

Beckei 18

Don't worry, I wear the same size!!

csmith1539 11

That guy is just immature and has nothing better to do, so just ignore him. I'm 5'8'' and I've worn a ten in women's since I was 5'5'', AKA 7th grade. I've rarely had trouble finding shoes, I'm sure you'll do fine in the future. Good luck, OP!

Terrible customer service :/ I am pretty tall as well and I have a size 10 feet. If someone laughed in my face, I would've complained to management.

Oh wow. Now I kinda feel like a freak. 9.5 feet and I'm only 5'5". Lol. Just forget him, unless they have a foot fetish or your feet are just plain nasty, nobody's going to particularly care.

Lady_Vampy 2

Punch him! I'm half a size bigger than you and am sick of the amount of times I've been offered shoes to try that are three sizes too small. Oh and also, buy your shoes online.

He must have been new. It isn't that uncommon for a tall girl to wear a larger than average size and a 9.5 really isn't all that bad. File a complaint with the company about his lack of professionalism and then check the website for the shoes you want. Most shoe stores offer a wider variety of sizes online. Hope you find yours! :)

He laughs at size 9.5? Seriously? I have size 10 and most women I know have something between 9.5 and 11. It's pretty common I think... (But I live in the Netherlands, so what do I know?)

AnnaMariaMc 8

Really? I work at a shoe store and 9.5 is one of the most popular sizes. We get a lot of women asking for size 12! I promise your shoe size is not that big.

Reading all these comments are making me feel like a freak......I'm 5'10 but my feet are size 6.5-7