By twinkletoes - 17/09/2012 06:32 - United States

Today, I went to get my nails done for the first time in a while. I don't like to go that much because two of my toes are connected, and I'm very self-conscious about it. The man painting my toes started laughing when he saw them and called all the other employees over to look. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 106
You deserved it 2 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Okay that is sort of cool in a way.. But try learning to paint your own nails. But filing a compliant works to.

mrnuleef 7

I say own it. Its not going anywhere (unless you fix it surgically) so get your nails done, where flip flops, open toed shoes, go bare foot! just do what your heart desires, only person stopping you is you!

Urgh the phrase "own it". I agree with your sentiment but I wholly disagree with that awful phrase!!!

That's a little odd. What's wrong with saying "own it"?

desireev 17

This comment, hands down, is the best comment I've seen on this FML.

rebel_belle1974 5

I'm a webbie too, and believe me its nothing to be ashamed of

3yellowzebras 19

Us webbies should stick together :)

I'm very sorry OP, but none of us is born perfect. I'd have imitated the pretty woman scene when you ask him if he works on commissions and tips because he's just lost a customer. Then you walk out like a baws saying "big mistake. Huge."

Hey, I have two webbed toes as well - it just means I can swim faster! He's an idiot but you really needn't feel self-conscious about it. It's worth trying to coming to terms with if you can.

CookieKidrauhl 0

That's extremely immature and unprofessional of them.

iiAntheA17 7

Aww! It's not that bad! My cousins toes are all connected. You only have two! Just think of what you COULD have, instead of what you have OP (:

I know how you feel OP. One time I went to get a haircut and the barber happened to be depressed. She ended up just shaving patches of my hair and leaving others unshaved. The next day I went someplace new and the barber did the same thing that happened to you. They now remember as the guy with that really bad haircut :/

day624 14

I hope you didn't pay them!!!!!!