By pplsuck - 25/09/2012 23:57 - United States - Fort Lauderdale

Today, I went to eat out. When I sat down, I realized I forgot my straw. I took my purse with me, not wanting it to get stolen. Someone stole my food instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 312
You deserved it 2 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alexhaz64 4

Glad you learned your lesson from the time your potential employer convinced you to leave your purse in his office!


FreddyyyyK 2

What would you want stolen: Your food or your purse you have all your stuff in? Good decision to take your purse with you :)

sandinthewaves 5

Good thing you grabbed the purse

Why would you ever leave your food alone? That's the dumbest idea ever

FoyLiMo 0

all I can say is bahahahahahahaha

PhishloverA 14

Those fat asses will do anything to get extra food. I hope you got a free meal after that

Spottedfeather 7

Because you couldn't have possibly just drank the soda without a straw ?

222004801 4

Well it's a good thing you brought your purse because most likely if you left that too, it would have been stolen.

McDonalds just isnt what it used to be....