By mildlyconcussed - 10/08/2015 08:32 - Italy - Somma Vesuviana

Today, I went to a gig. The drummer threw his drumsticks out at the end and I managed to catch one. With my face. Not only did I get a black eye, but the person next to me snatched the drumstick from my hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 651
You deserved it 1 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you snatched them back and beat them with them! FYL

Since you managed to take the hit, OP, you deserved those drumsticks.


That wasn't a gig for you. It was a gig for the band. For you it was a show.

addisonrose12 16

I got hit in the head with a popular drummers drumstick tip that broke and flew towards me during a football game. Someone always got the drummers' ripped up sticks at the end of the game and he promised me that I was getting his at the end since his managed to whop me lol

I hope the drummer was kind enough to notice and see if your face was alright. Something similar happened at a Maroon 5 concert. The microphone quit working and as Adam Levine was shaking it, thinking that would get it to work for some reason, it slipped from his hand and went flying, clocking someone in the face. He checked to see if that person was okay.

You poor thing I also wanna know what band it was

Should've snatched it back. You already had a black eye and that was your goddamn drumstick. You had nothing to lose at that point. People like this ruin concerts and sporting events for everyone and really need to be taught a lesson.

A girl at a concert got hit in the face with the drummers drumsticks, ended up having to have 4 stitches. Don't know if she got the drumsticks but I hope she did.

jessenia123 27

you should have gave him a black eye and then snatched it back

OP here. The band I saw was Judas Priest so it was a pretty important stick! Unfortunately the crowd was so big that aside from the surrounding people going "ooooh", no one else really noticed, so I didn't get to meet the drummer. And this also meant that the person could run away and vanish forever before I worked out who it was. So I just pretend I'm happy enough to say I've been hit in the face by a special drum stick!

this exact same thing happened to me, minus the black eye