By Anonymous - 25/09/2011 10:26 - Singapore

Today, I went out with a guy I really liked for the first time. He tried to hold my hands, only to be stopped by my mum, jumping out from nowhere saying "Oh no you don't!" before slapping him. This isn't the first time this has happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 984
You deserved it 3 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww your mom loves you, to the extent of ruining your social life.

niamah 11

Mom is lonely. Tell dad to start taking her out again


ilovenutella10 0

Hah ;) what's gonna happen when you make love?!??!!

reidlover 1

Aww she cares bout u but still hahaha

Better than having a mother who doesn't care if you have underage sex.

Perhaps OP saw two many B-A-R-B-I-E commercials and mom's trying to help her?

How could it not be the first time if it was your first date??

In many asian countries, Old women alway try to impress upon young girls that virginity is so precious that it is unforgiving to lose before wedding.

If you've already moved out this shit is inexcusable. File a restraining order.

Haha i could see my mom do that too! Sucks A LOT!

cruzing619 0

How do I message ppl on this ?