By fububc - 05/02/2010 15:14 - France

Today, I went out for a smoke before dinner. I glanced through the window only to see my husband take my cooking scissors, cut his toe nails and then put them back in the utensils canister without washing them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 825
You deserved it 6 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahaha. you should have gone back in and started a conversation while casually using the scissors to cut your pubic hairs and see what he does

RipIt 0

YDI for smoking! naaah just kidding, that's gross!


Wow, really? Wtf is up with all the "YDI for smoking" or "Ewww smoking is gross!" comments?? So what if she smokes? Just because someone does something that may be unhealthy or something that not everyone agrees with doesn't mean she deserves that. And OP, that's nasty. Make your husband wash them lol.

#87 thnks for the comment, smoking is gross, will have to quit soon I knw it sounds petty, but won't be using those scissors for food prep anymore. they belong to him now.

he's cutting his nails and that's a gd thing if u care about hygine...but the kitchen siccors...that's just nasty...get 1 just for ur nails...and woman ur just as nasty...smoking will lead to yellow if not black nails and teeth...gross...

voveraite 7

Please people, stop hating on smokers! This coming from a convinced NEVER smoker! There are far worse and disgusting habits out there, and far worse smells than cigarettes. Cutting toe-nails... well what about fungus?

ash92_fml 0

erm no, #84... theres nothing worse than smoking. apart from maybe negrophilia and cannibalism. fungus? how about inhaling tar, rat poison and deadly chemicals, staining your teeth and coughing your lungs up. yeah, its worse. wanker.

PunxsatownyPhil 0
noboundary 9

You know, she may smoke, but at least she's not like the girl from FML #7905644 who pissed herself then sat in it all day. THAT'S disgusting. You people need a life. As for the OP's husband...I quote Ron White when I say, "Things that make you go BLEUGH!" FYL, OP.

heather_bunny 3

men can be so disgusting. they must be missing the part of their brains that controls common sense/hygiene. of course, women have problems too...lady, smoking kills!

What's this? A smoker that CARES about what goes into their mouth?