By fububc - 05/02/2010 15:14 - France

Today, I went out for a smoke before dinner. I glanced through the window only to see my husband take my cooking scissors, cut his toe nails and then put them back in the utensils canister without washing them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 825
You deserved it 6 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahaha. you should have gone back in and started a conversation while casually using the scissors to cut your pubic hairs and see what he does

RipIt 0

YDI for smoking! naaah just kidding, that's gross!


dynky 3

Well, you haven't gotten ill yet from toe germs on your scissors, have you? If you hadn't been "glancing" through the window you would never have known. It's really not going to kill you.

britney_m54 0

I agree that smoking is gross! but she shouldn't deserve it for what her nasty husband does. I mean he should have atleast soaked it in bleach water b4 returning it to the canister!

chadwick110480 0

YDI for having such a nasty beast for a husband. tip: get to know the next guy first.

This wad hilarious. How do real men trim their...?

joesgurl93 0

I'm pretty sure this isn't an FML

ShovelMeTimbers 0

Oh boo hoo hoo "smoking is gross". Grow up kids.

how is smoking anywhere near as gross as that is??????????

LMFAO at 26. Awesome idea ^^. I don't smoke, but I find cutting one's toe nails more disturbing than someone smoking outside. Not a YDI or FYL. Just tell him you saw him doing that. The only thing he should be using are nail clippers. Make him wash the scissors. He probably won't do it again now that he knows it isn't ok with you. Lol, on second thought. This probably isn't the first time he has used those scissors ><. I guess ignorance is bliss.

dphilipson12 0

that's gross. I cut my toe nails in the bathroom over the toillete with a special thing called nail cutters. maybe your forcing him to do it. go buy some and stop bitching about your life.