By Alec - 10/12/2012 07:01 - United States

Today, I went on a date with a great girl; we went out to dinner and saw a movie. After the movie, we went out to my car to find out that a homeless man had broken the window, climbed into it, and was eating the leftover pasta with his fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 786
You deserved it 1 918

Same thing different taste


Look at it this way, she will definitely never forget you or that date. I say it's a win

These types of experiences make great stories later on. You'll be able to look back on this someday and laugh.

Just go fr another walk. He wil be gone by the time you get back

I would have killed that homeless guy in front of your date to show how manly you are.

RedPillSucks 31

This is why I don't leave stuff in plain sight in my car. Not saying YDI at all, though.

skyeyez9 24

Drag that bitch out of the car and beat him.

Hobos are a lot like raccoons. They can smell food a mile away. And if you don't lock it up properly, you can bet your ass they will get into it.

Wow! Where the heck do you live? I'm in a pretty big city & I've never heard of anything like that!

kate3101 15

As much as it sucks to have someone break into your car, F his life for being so hungry that he broke into a car to eat someone else's leftovers. I am sad that there are so many people here so lacking in compassion for another human. No-one chooses to live their life sleeping in alleys and peeing in their clothes. It's not like it's a great life. If someone makes bad choices, has terrible luck or is a victim of abuse does that mean we should just write them off, ignore them or treat them as less than human. They were all bright-eyed kids once.

I'm glad to see that someone thinks like me. I was starting to lose faith in humanity in front of this display of sheer selfishness and indifference to other people’s sufferings. Although I agree that finding your property ruined is not nice, if it happened to me, I’d still count my blessings that it was not me being reduced to such extremities.