By embarassed - 08/08/2009 14:53 - United States

Today, I went for a hike with my new boyfriend on a fairly deserted trail my ex-husband had shown me awhile back. In all my hikes there, I've never seen another person and figured it would be okay to get intimate. Guess who came hiking past? That's right, my ex-husband. And our 8yr old son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 106
You deserved it 73 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sireen 0

why would you go there if your ex husband showed you that spot....


MaDmAkAm 0

Would love to know what your ex said you where doing ?!?! Fly on the wall for that conversation ;-)

sublime93 0

Too conveninent to be true. Fakrfakefakefakefakefakefake

AngryC4t 0

YDI for getting a divorce, especially after having a kid. Nice job scarring that kid and helping further establish America's already nightmarishly pathetic successful marriage rate. EDIT: Didn't mean to respond to this. :|

Sometimes divorce is the better option. It would be more scarring for a kid to have to live with two people who hate each other than if they divorced and were able to be civil.

What a *****. Poor kid. At least he knows the truth about his mother now.

You're an idiot.... so many stupid comments from stupid people.

That poor kid is now scarred for life. I would know... FML. :(

Leopard68231 0

I said fyl since you live in connecticut, ct is the BEST!! and where was that trail exactly? Im thinking of going there. And yea i COMPLETELY agree with #34, shes divorced and the sitch is so coincidental. And shes not a *****, if you were divorced you should be able to **** whoever you please.

Why does everyone keep saying that it's her fault for having sex in public/woods? It's fun! She was just dumb enough to pick a bad spot. AN OBVIOUSLY BAD SPOT.