By embarassed - 08/08/2009 14:53 - United States

Today, I went for a hike with my new boyfriend on a fairly deserted trail my ex-husband had shown me awhile back. In all my hikes there, I've never seen another person and figured it would be okay to get intimate. Guess who came hiking past? That's right, my ex-husband. And our 8yr old son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 105
You deserved it 73 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sireen 0

why would you go there if your ex husband showed you that spot....


Well, you just showed your 8 year old child LIVE ****. xD

evangldbrg 0

Lol this kinda reminds me of that King of Queens episode where Doug takes Carrie to that cabin place and he thought he went with her years ago, but it ended up being his old girlfriend that he went with.

danielle1336 0

wow you totally deserved it. you idiot

YDI for breaking up with your husband and leaving him your child golddigging bitch go fall in a hole and break your neck and I hope a family of porcupines make your asshole there new den and get hit by lightning

troll, I know! But it's possible her son went to his father's for the weekend or some similar arrangement?

Um, ever considered that it just wasn't right? No where in the FML does in say 'my incredibly rich ex-husband who I only married for money.' But... uh, well your totally screwed, OP. Sorry.

flyingpan8 0

**** u. your son will probably end up having to resort to homosexuality since you probably just put him off women for life! lol, nah, j/k gay people are cool an artistic and all... but shame on u...! you horny **** *****.

Mulada 0

Thats why you keep the fuckings in the bedroom.

LarissaT18 18

I personally like the living room... Bedrooms can get old sometimes.

Today i went on a hike with my son on a fairly deserted trail and ran into my ex wife and my son's mother having sex with another guy. FML

isthisonetaken 0

today, i went on a hike with my dad. as we were walking in what looked to be a deserted area, we came upon my mom having sex with another man. i hope i don't have to start calling him daddy. FML

doggie3 0

Ooooh. That's bad. What did ur ex say? Ur kid's probably scarred. No, definatly.