By Anonymous - 11/03/2012 23:19 - United States

Today, I watched Gigli. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 314
You deserved it 29 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLandurstoo 9

What the **** is gigli? And yes I'm too lazy to use google. I'm on my apple product


At least it wasn't please for the love of god don't search that

Today, I spent 5 minutes trying to open this FML. FML. Oh and by the way, sorry about that dude. Gigli blows!

this shouldnt be an fml? grow up a little.

CateXOX 0

Killing myself because of the number of people too lazy to take 30 seconds to look up what this is. It probably takes you longer to type "wtf is dis lolol??!!".

Gosh I might post an fml on just how long it took for me to click on the smallest fml ever! um don't know what Gigli is but guessing it's a really bad film so I think it's sorta ur fault for watching it?? Unless it's one of those REALLY bad films where u just can't look away then yes poor you

BorgQueen 5
happilyever2012 6