By junior - 11/04/2010 08:11 - United States

Today, I was with my girlfriend, thinking we were alone in the house. Her little brother found us having sex on the couch, took a pic and said, "You are now both my slaves." He ran upstairs and locked his bedroom door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 274
You deserved it 46 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And what a smart little brother she has!! lol Blackmail is fun.

YDI, as you didn't check all around the house. Now, the kid is going to start a **** website, with your picture on the first page. Good Job!!! THREADJACKERS WELCOME


okay, go delete it and move on. ddi for doing it on the sofa instead of in her room on HER house... Wtf? idc how fffed you think this us... its your fault, FYL

KJames_87 0

in this situation the younger brother is awesome! have fun being slaves

emilysexi3793 0

kids are smarter than u think

vballgirl512 0

hahahahahaha smart kid!!!!!!

I love this's something I'd do though if I were the kid hahahahahaha

He probably took the camera to his room and jacked off to the pictures. :S

Unlucky for being caught. Do a cautionary sweep of the house next time :)

thelovelyrye 0

Smart kid to lock himself in his room.

YDI! Siblings aren't always that detectable. You can tell if parents or older siblings are around. They leave clues, like absent cars, purses, keys missing, etc. Younger children do not leave clues like that. You have to search for them to make sure they're not home before you do anything questionable.