By junior - 11/04/2010 08:11 - United States

Today, I was with my girlfriend, thinking we were alone in the house. Her little brother found us having sex on the couch, took a pic and said, "You are now both my slaves." He ran upstairs and locked his bedroom door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 274
You deserved it 46 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And what a smart little brother she has!! lol Blackmail is fun.

YDI, as you didn't check all around the house. Now, the kid is going to start a **** website, with your picture on the first page. Good Job!!! THREADJACKERS WELCOME


DudBuster 0
paperisuseful 0

in soviet russia, couch has sex on you.

faxe 0

Uh huh. It gets on it's legs and yells "I'm gonna be pushin my cushin"

dpn91494 0

noone thinks those are funny

wats with the soviet russia crap?! stfu!!

ishama13 0
Steve72 0 least now you have a keep sake,

wezywei 0

lmao hhahaahaha tht sukkks but so funny

droplets 0

that's why you check the house, dumbass.

Melanie76_fml 0

Lol he is so smart. But shouldn't you do that somewhere more private?

Absolutely. The younger brother is smarter than they are. OP, you were in a house that does not belong to either of you, the bedroom doors lock, and you decided the couch was best? What if someone came home? YDI

vlopez 0

LOL I like your bro he's cool

that kid is a genious! btw, sux to be u