By princess4242 - 26/02/2010 09:10 - India

Today, I was with my friend and her entire family at a restaurant. While we were eating, her brother who is really cute asked what "brown sauce" is. I said thats probably 'penis' sauce. I'd meant to say 'peanut sauce' but the damage was done. The entire family just stared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 957
You deserved it 24 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PsychoMerk 0

lol :') "the damage was done!"

Well, now we know what you were really thinking about. Gotta love those Freudian Slips.


Wonderful story--haven't laughed that hard in a while!

xHabsfanx 0

So what exactly was on your mind as you said that? hmmm?

oops, this should have been on the bottom. dammit you strange magical connection device called INTERNET >:[

hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaNo. this is fake. how do i know? i just read's a trauma in 17 magazine. today i was so stupid and uncreative that i copied a story from 17 into fml to get sympathy. FML.

raithex 0

COPIED. I've seen this before. It's not at all new.