By drooler - 06/08/2009 02:23 - United States

Today, I was watching a movie with my new boyfriend. I got tired so I thought it would be cute to fall asleep on him. He woke me up and said "You got me wet" Thinking it was a joke, I said smoothly, "That's what she said" He replied "No really." I looked down, I'd drooled all over his shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 308
You deserved it 40 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

f_my_life88 0

Ew.. maybe next time use a bib??

dotVillain 1

A bib? To sleep? ._. I don't understand how this is a FML at all. You drooled while you slept on your boyfriend. You were comfortable and tired. Everybody drools in these types of situations. Grow up if you think your life is ruined because you drooled on your boyfriend.


op: it's just drool. unless he dumped you for drooling on him, not a fml. and, i'm upset that this post didn't contain some sarcastic comments from plexico. he's way funnier than 90% of the fmls.

What? You're annoyed by a "that's what she said" joke? Because most of the guys I know are the ones who MAKE those jokes. I don't think she was teasing, she was just trying to be silly, which is synonymous with cutesy to some. Though I agree, "I can fix that" would have caused no FML.

Dont be too sad, my girlfriend drooled on me when she slept and i always thought it was cute and funny.

I did this one time. Except he woke me up, and then demanded "Get. Me. A paper towel. Right. Now. And dry that ******* shit off of me." He wasn't amused. My little sister and him had a good giggle about it though. He didn't let it go either, he told his friends and kept bringing it up. Super embarrassing! -.-

you liar "thats what she said" jokes are never "smooth".

Sugar_lipsXo 0
naja_12168 3

Can someone explain the "that's what she said" remark to me please?

If you have to ask that then...ahh nevermind, I'm not bothering.