By lights on forever - 02/08/2013 20:57 - Turkey - Istanbul

Today, I was washing up in a public bathroom, when I looked up for a second and saw a kid in the mirror staring back at me. I gasped, as I thought the place had been empty. He whispered, "It's time to die." I screamed and ran out, only to hear him burst out laughing behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 894
You deserved it 9 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JoeGrant 12

Hey anyone else would have freaked out, don't feel bad.

BillyJones 4

that's when you punch him in the face and say it was a life or death situation.


imtooshy 18

Sorry OP, it's always more fun to laugh at someone else's expense and this REALLY made me laugh. What a hilarious and brilliant child :-)

Obey_StudBoii 23

He wouldn't be laughing if you would have turn around and kicked his little ass! :)

I think screaming and running out was a little overdramatic. It's a kid. It's startling, yeah, but.

Lock him in the bathroom that will teach the little bastard!

Original prankster in the making. **** your life for getting caught in the kids trap and **** his life for possibly taking pranks too far that may land him in jail some day.