By xkellybabyyx - 25/11/2009 01:05 - United States

Today, I was walking through the streets with my best friend, feeling confident in my new skinny jeans. My friend said, "you really should be wearing a thong with those pants, your underwear line is showing". I was wearing a thong, those lines were just my fat rolls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 902
You deserved it 40 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do overweight people always try to wear tightfitting clothes? Just becouse you managed to squeeze into something that's a couple of sizes smaller then you really are will not make you look good or thin, it will make you look like a stuffed sossage! Seriously unflattering, you'd look much better and skinnier in loose fitting clothes designed for your shape and size... just a tip, take it or leave it!

Moral of the story? Don't wear skinny jeans.


YDI. SKINNY jeans are not for FAT people.

Omg guys. Fat people CAN wear skinny jeans, just like any other pair of jeans! They're called skinny jeans cuz they cling to your legs all the way down; so really, "skinny" jeans is a misleading name for them. Anyone can wear jeans that cling to their legs. But you might say, "skinny jeans look bad on fat people!" That is true. But don't most jeans look bad on fat people anyway?? It's not the jeans, it's the weight of the person wearing them.

I don't think it's mentally healthy for overweight people to have these delusions. Just calling them skinny jeans makes them forget their very obvious health problem. Like someone else said earlier, just because most people are overweight, doesn't mean that's how we're supposed to be. Anything over your ideal weight is unhealthy, and these people need to stop being lied to, and lying to themselves calling their normal sized jeans "skinny". I'm sorry to be brutally honest, but you look a lot better in your "fat" clothes than you do in your skinny ones.

ugh. don't make fun of the OP but you shouldnt wear skinny jeans with fat rolls.... if you really want to fine, but if you want to make a better look for yourself.... try other clothes.....

Raggio19 0

You know i was planning on writing this HUGE thing on how some people are rude and ignorant but that would just be wasting my breath.Because some people arent going to change there views just because someone wrote about how it was wrong.Save it,they wont listen.You didnt deserve all these hate comments.Wear what you want to wear,and you dont have to look like what society wants you to look like.

expen_dable 0

I'm surprised at all the people criticizing fatties here, considering 3/4 of America is overweight, I figured the majority of you all are fat. I bet most of you are like 20-50 pounds overweight but don't consider yourselves fat because there are much fatter people out there. I'm a size 0 (I'm also 5'1) and I can call myself skinny, if you are a size 7 or above and you aren't tall, you're probably fat. Do you have chub on your stomach? If you don't have flat abs, you're not skinny.

Yeah but only like 18% of teenagers are overweight and most people that post comments bashing other people are usually the high school crowd.

sayheyyybabe 0

I am I size 1 in juniors, yet I have belly rolls. However, I am still very skinny. My bmi is 19.1, and under 18 is underweight. I just have a beer belly, which I am working to get rid of. So, yes, you can be skinny and not have a flat stomach.

wow, thanks asshole. Im 5'4, 135ish pounds and I'm not fat at all, and yes I fit into 7-9. Just because you're a size 7 doesn't mean your fat.

i hate wearing thongs they're so uncomfortable. i prefer boyshorts even with jeans.

yellowfeet 0

 how do you have fat rolls on your ass?? even the fattest person wouldn't have them. unless you were morbidly obese. then you shouldn't be wearing skinny jeans anyway. just because they are selling them doesn't mean you should buy it. just because everyone is wearing them doesn't mean they'll look good on you. wear clothes that are form fitting but not tight (like make sure you don't have a muffin top or that the clothes make you look like a stuffed sausage). clothes should flatter your body type not make it look worse. I'm petite and thin and even I don't wear freakin tight clothes that shows off every piece of flesh I have. anyone who wears clothes like that are just attention starved and slutty regardless of body type.  And to all the people saying skinny jeans aren't just for skinny people, have you seen a fat person wearing them? Obviously not because it does not look good. And just because someone is fat and overweight doesn't mean they're a lazy slob who does nothing but eat. And just because someone is skinny doesn't mean they have an eating disorder. People are so ignorant and misinformed nowadays.

perstephane 4

"anyone who wears clothes like that are just attention starved and slutty regardless of body type" Attention starved I can get on board with. But slutty = sleeping with tons of people, not dressing revealingly. Showing a lot of skin doesn't mean you bang everyone who walks by.

I had to sign up for an account simply to reply to your ignorance. Being a size seven does not make someone "fat." Not having a 6-pack does not make a person "fat." Just because you're a size zero doesn't mean you look good, honey. I am 5'3 and currently a size 7. I weigh 120 pounds. I have had two children. My stomach IS flat, thank you very much, my pants size is because when you grow up (which you obviously still have to do) your hips widen. That's called "nature." All of my weight is pretty much in my boobs, and before I had children, I was also a size zero. Go to class and have an opinion after you get out of 7th grade, mmkay? Maybe more people will care then.

That was supposed to be in response to number 66, FTR. It jumped.

@#93: You're now officially my best friend. @All the rest of the ignorance bashing overweight people: I'm 5'8 1/3", and 220 lbs, and I wear a size 18 in juniors sizes.. Yeah, I bet you all think I have rolls everywhere, but if you look at my display picture (YES, that really is me. I'll send yo more pictures if you think differently), you will see otherwise. I'm just tall and a bit wider than most women. In all honesty, just because some people weigh a good bit doesn't mean they're disgustingly fat. Their bodies could be proportioned differently, (i.e. height, width of bust/waist/hips) and like I mentioned earlier in my post, some people could have a genetic trait (like I do). Most of the people on my dad's side of the family are overweight, and that trait carried to me, but yet I'm not disgustingly overweight. Take that into consideration and stop being so narrow minded about overweight people. Now the hugely obese people wearing clothing that don't fit their body right AT ALL, I agree with you. They need to wear clothing that fits, because muffintops are just not cute.

Oh bgpink, you are so wrong. Slutty means to sleep around. ****** charge money for their services. The term to describe someone who dresses revealingly is *****. Learn English, ****.

I think obese is gross and stick thin is gross. No hypocritics here!

Derek321 2

Take better care of your body. No sympathy. -Ty