By cashier - 12/07/2009 00:33 - United States

Today, I was trying to clean the belt of my register at work at a grocery store. I noticed two strips of rubber stuck in the corner of the belt, and after pulling on them periodically all morning one finally came loose. It was a foot. I had been pulling at a dead rat trapped in the belt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 579
You deserved it 3 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments


deliapearl 0

yummy. all I need is a fork and some hot sauce

irrelevantxx 0
alwaysalady 0

I totally just sprayed tea out my nose. That is horrible, and I feel suck overwhelming pity for you. The horror!

poor baby =( i wonder how the little guy got there =(

#33: I think this is a case of what Ghost Hunters calls "mind matrixing." You see/hear/otherwise sense something in an unexpected place, and instead of realizing the truth, your mind decides it's something else that makes more sense. The OP expected rubber, not a rat, so he/she saw rubber. Therefore, not necessarily fake.

I can understand her seeing it out the corner of her eye and thinking 'oh, bit of rubber', but I cannot believe she touched it and looked closely at it and saw and felt rubber. Have you ever been close to a rat paw? Like I said, they have claws! And hair! And do not stretch! It's like pulling a human hand hanging out of a rubbish bin and saying 'oh it's a glove.' Sure, it looks like a glove at a glance, but when you touch it and get close? That's not a ******* glove.

wikifoo 0

awesome! tell us what store so we don't shop there

Ewww... This is why I don't put clothes on those conveyor belts, or if I do, I wash them at least once before wearing them, because God knows what's been on those things. And wash my hands after shopping, mostly because money is so dirty ... but now I have another reason.

yep_fml 0

haha - how could I have guessed this story came from someone in NJ ;-) I'm from the Midwest and have never been to Jersey, but isn't this what they're always teased about?? lol

scorpioserpent 1

ohhh man I live in great. The most common grocery stores we have here are Shop Rite and Acme. eww!!