By Liz - 09/01/2009 08:54 - France

Today, I was teaching a class, but the kids were all talking and chattering. After three soapbox-style speeches about how, "The next person who talks gets a note to take home," one kid looked right at me and went, "Meow." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 192
You deserved it 7 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eir_fml 1

that's what happens when you're all talk and no action. I liked the teachers that disciplined strictly more than the ones that would allow idiot classmates to do whatever they liked, personally.


YDI for not being able to get the class to shut up.

St0rm11 0

"Not being able to ge the class to shutup" Do you realize how hard it is for sub's? In on eof my classes, we went though 7 teachers before one stayed. We were bad. And kids at my school never respected sub's.

skyttlz 32

one time we had a sub say ass

Something similar happened in my school. Apparently we were so bad the music sub quit her teaching career forever. Oops.

My class got a teacher to cry once. We turned the video player off behind her back, and after she yelled at us. One of us started humming and when she got close to the person who was humming someone else would do it. Then the people at the front shut down her laptop. After 15 minutes of our behavious, she eventually ran out the classroom crying. :/ oopsies.

mibs3 11

they should really prepare teachers for this kind of stuff while their being taught how to be a teacher

Why would you do that? That's so mean!

some kids in my class stapled the teachers bag to a table and then verbally abused her so she went to grab her bag and run out, pulling the table over with her. it was pretty bad but somewhat funny

zeon_x 0

You should bang a ruler on the troublemaker's desk really hard to scare them. I knew a teacher who did this and actually broke the ruler. It was funny.

Was his name Mr. Riley and did you go to high school with me? Because this happened in my science class because some people in my class pointed out that he spelled meteor and first wrong, and the teacher started crying and hitting things with a ruler and broke one on a desk.

My biology teacher did this. It would have been funny if a piece didn't landed in my friend's eye.

Lol! That was me! Want be to bark next time?

kelseyjones 0

I agree with #2. The kid is boss. I totally laughed out loud, how hilarious.